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Enterprise Architecture
Building a Robust Business IT Landscape
What is Enterprise Architecture?

"Enterprise Architecture is a rigorous approach for describing the structure of an enterprise. A well managed enterprise architecture results in an effective enterprise. Enterprise architecture is really 3 things.


Enterprise Architecture is a discipline. As a discipline it is a way of thinking about the structure of an enterprise. An enterprise architect is a professional with know-how, skills, and aptitude in this discipline.


it is a process. There are processes for architecting an enterprise. They cover how architectures are created, how they evolve and change, and how they are managed.

Our Approach

Enterprise architecture is a set of work products – a set of models and representations that describe the structure of an enterprise.

Enterprise architecture provides a specific approach for understanding and describing the structure of an enterprise in a rigorous way.

This gives us a big picture view of the constraints and limitations imposed by the current structure of the enterprise. Architects can then show what options exist to change or make improvements – by embedding better target structures.

our expertise

Fast delivery

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item inspection

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companies we've worked with

Enterprise architects produce pictures, diagrams, plans and roadmaps that explain the current limitations and show how changes could make things better. They follow processes to take into account the opinions and views of all stakeholders and make the best of available resources and investments. And they use many techniques that are not found in other management disciplines

How Will Jórim's Enterprise Architecture Benefit Your Business?
Alignment with your IT strategy to achieve business objectives and goals.
Ability to justify investments in terms of quantifiable benefits to your business.
Improvement of business strategy, projects and initiatives, outcomes, operational plans, business capabilities and cyber security.
Assess the impact of your architecture artefacts from different viewpoints.
Plan changes in your business strategy and your IT roadmap.
Manage disruptive changes and encourage innovation and invest in the right projects.
Deliver business services at less cost, higher quality and higher speed.

From an organizational capabilities perspective, there are a number of components within a firm that must be supported through an EA framework. Jorim will assist your business in defining your enterprise architecture (EA) strategy and (re)designing, launching, and maintaining an effective EA framework that will enhance your firm’s organizational capabilities with industry-leading practices and best-in-class supporting tools and solution. Some of our specialized services are mentioned below

SOA, Microservices, Architecture Consulting, Technology Consulting, Integration Architecture, Middleware & Business Intelligence.
