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Current Trend:

Internet Era
  • Businesses are more agile, geographical limitations are diminishing
  • Increasing needs in collaboration and information sharing to enable the "link"
  • Old systems with stove-piped design need to be modernized Information Revolution
Information Revolution
  • Comparing to Industry Revolution age, we are in an Information Revolution age now
  • Business relies more on information
  • Need more organized and efficient ways for information processing and utilization
SOA is the current state of art, is leading a new paradigm shift
  • Promotes collaboration, service and info sharing, IT flexibility, and business agility

The Purpose of Enterprise Architecture

  • Have a blueprint and long-term guidance
  • Facilitate decision making
  • Support enterprise modernization efforts
  • Enhance collaboration and interoperation
  • Streamline business processes and technology implementations across the enterprise
  • Enable resource sharing and cost efficiency by identify common and sharable components and services
  • EA for an enterprise .vs. city plan for a city

What is SOA

SOA is an architectural style and modeling approach that
  • Emphasizes well-defined, loosely coupled, reusable and shareable services
  • 1. Coarse-grained, business-centric services
    2. Layered technology services
    3. Componentized
  • SOA, as a practical modeling approach, it suits enterprise architecture (EA) development very well
  • It helps in bridging EA with solution architecture and implementation by layered service components across business models, application models, and technology implementation

Relationships: EA, SOA & Web Service

  • Enterprise Architecture:
    It's a subject domain that is independent of approaches and methodologies for its development and presentation.
  • Service-Oriented Architecture:
    It's a architecture style that describe businesses and systems with service-orientation.
  • Web Services:
    It's a technology that enables us to implement applications in a service-oriented way.

Service Oriented Architecture Adoption in an Enterprise

  • Service Oriented Enterprise
    • How SOA affects enterprise
    • Apply SOA to architectures and planning
    • Apply SOA to enterprise service portfolio management
    • Apply SOA to lifecycle, governance, and ROI
  • Service Oriented Applications/Systems
    • Apply SOA to application and system services
    • Apply SOA to data services
    • Apply SOA to federated Service Infrastructure
  • Service Oriented Infrastructure
    • Apply SOA to IT infrastructure -> SOI
    • Service Oriented Infrastructure Framework
    • Integrate SOI framework with ITIL

Service Oriented Enterprise Architecture

  • Service Oriented Enterprise
    • How SOA affects enterprise
    • Apply SOA to architectures and planning
    • Apply SOA to enterprise service portfolio management
    • Apply SOA to lifecycle, governance, ROI
  • Service Oriented Applications/Systems
  • Service Oriented Infrastructure

How SOA Affect Enterprise

  • SOA introduces a paradigm shift to enterprise
    • Manage business functions into loosely coupled services to reduce complexities and lessen the impact of changes
  • SOA introduces changes to traditional organization and management mechanisms
    • Break stove pipes to enable collaboration
    • Achieve long-term benefits instead of short-term ones
  • SOA can optimize enterprise operational cost
    • Shared services
    • Enable separate business functions from IT infrastructure and technology improvement (via layered architecture)
  • SOA can enhance enterprise lifecycle and governance by introducing service life cycle and governance
    • Enable better scope for measurement and control

Apply SOA to Architecture and Planning

  • The Challenges in Enterprise Architecture Practice
  • How SOA can mitigates EA challenges
  • Modeling EA in a service-oriented manner - Service Oriented EA (SOEA)
  • Simplify SOEA modeling via horizontal and vertical partition -> domain segmentation and service federation

Enterprise Service Portfolio Management

  • Enterprise service portfolio management should be built into strategy and governance
  • The enterprise service portfolio should take input from enterprise architecture
  • Evolve application portfolio management to service portfolio management with services being categorized and being described in layers
  • Manage service portfolio lifecycle: planned services, current services, obsolete services

Service Oriented Enterprise Architecture

  • Service Oriented Enterprise
  • Service Oriented Applications/Systems
    1. Apply SOA to application and system services
    2. Apply SOA to data services
    3. Federated Service Infrastructure
  • Service Oriented Infrastructure

Service Oriented Enterprise Architecture

  • Service Oriented Enterprise
  • Service Oriented Applications/ Systems
  • Service Oriented Infrastructure
    1. The changing roles of IT and IT infrastructure
    2. Apply SOA to IT infrastructure -> SOI
    3. Service Oriented Infrastructure Framework
    4. Integrate SOI Framework with ITIL

The Changing Role of IT and IT Infrastructure

  1. IT in Business
    • Past
    • * Operation support
      * Individual project based decision
      * Ad hoc and technology driven implementation Current
    • Current
    • * Involved into business strategies and decisions (the agility of business depends heavily on the flexibility of IT for automation)
      * Have long-term blueprint and big pictures as guidance (strategic plan and EA)
  2. IT Infrastructure
    • Past : hardware, software, and network components
    • Current : as a line of business
    • * separate functional areas from infrastructure commodity,
      * move commonly shared services to infrastructure
  3. Enterprise Architecture for IT Infrastructure

SOI and SOI Framework

  1. SOI is to apply SOA to IT Infrastructure
  2. SOI facilitates the implementation and operation of SOA- based applications and shared services
  3. SOI Framework
    • Provide reference for IT infrastructure segment enterprise architecture
    • Provide practice reference for SOI
    • Provide IT strategic and tactical plan input regarding to IT infrastructure
    • Provide foundation for IT infrastructure modernization

Service Systems Support Layered Services

For example, for the systems to support business collaboration service, its layered service description could be:

  • Business service: enterprise collaboration service
  • Application services: video conferencing service, enterprise messaging service, voice service, web-based collaboration, etc.
  • Infrastructure services: unified communications, server virtualization, security, etc.
  • Physical level services: network, servers, data center, etc.


Following topics are discussed, which provides a reference for how SOA can help Enterprise Architecture Practice:

  • EA and SOA background
  • How SOA can help EA via a SOEA model
  • SOEA context and content
  • SOEA practice in enterprise, applications and systems, infrastructure services
  • SOEA management: lifecycle, governance, ROI
